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Thursday, October 16, 2008

the trend share of the video server

I had such a criticism is, the share of the video server has a lot of mushroom. but I still doubt that the people we are still not familiar with that technology. when other countries are years from 90an, each house has a form of documentation tools handheld video camera (Handycam). in the country, we are still recording with the camera image. This happens of course the people that we have not yet familiar.
not mean here is familiar, that is called audio-visual media, is a television screen (watching TV station). from the TV screen is we can own ourselves to enjoy our own. it's weak for the audio-visual documents. we more comfortable to take the photo album, with the view of the photographs. why the audio-visual. simplest, we can feel more events that occurred when the sound and image. documentation in the audio-visual entertainment can be with family. such as, lahiran first child (the stunning), a small-time (we will always remember the tingling feeling small fingerlings). the cool untk documented in isual.
again on the video share., brisk video server share. but what a pity, the average video that I share in the form of television that "popular". (again, I mengkambinghitamkan tv shows).
I am writing this with more than invite the people of Indonesia to produce home videos. things that are very simple. with video we can know more than any family event that we had out. for instance, accuse Bush, who became ustadnya, what was the theory. especially?
take your time! so take your time to document .... and share your home videos to the world with the providers share / video hosting free ....

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