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Friday, September 12, 2008


What is the true value of the Entrecard credit, Ive seen sites selling 1000 for $2, Others sell 1000 for $3, There are also a number of site selling 5000 for $10. How can Entrecard actually expect to sell any when they are selling 1000 for $9.50? Have they sold any? I would like anyone who has bought any from Entrecard for $9.50 to expose themselves. All those sites that are selling Entrecard credits, Have you sold any and at what price?

The true value might be $9.50, Maybe Graham (Entrecard founder) should ban the sale of EC to protect his investment, The more people in this community that sell EC, the less value it has.

I believe that Entrecard credit is used for advertising purposes, Not for monetary gain. Afterall Entrecard is supposed to be about promoting your blog. Obviously US$2 is alot of money in some currencies, but does it pay for your internet connection? Or the internet cafe assuming you can sell 1000ec everyday, And if you can sell 1000 everyday, how much of that is actually profit? I guess im just interested to find out how many people think that the Entrecard credit is making them money?


  1. I think maybe a lot of entrecard member will not use their service anymore if entrecard ban a user for selling their own EC's.

  2. Oh my, the amount of time it takes me to earn 1,000 credits is definitely worth more than 2 bucks. If I could sell a thousand of 'em for $9.95 I totally would, but I wouldn't be able to make very many sales before I was sold out. Also, I'd never buy them.

    Interesting topic :)



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